The Soulful SeductreSS

Business Accelerator


the budget-friendly,  EMBODIEd, Easeful & self-paced feminine business accelerator for new, Reviving & aspiring coaches.

Self-Guided business & embodiment Course for coaches, creatives, & Healers.

No, you don't have to pay $10,000 or join a 1-year mastermind to learn how to take your coaching business from hobby to full-time career and embody the success you're made for.

 No more giving away your power. No more burning out while helping others break free.

You don't have to keep flailing  in the dark or waiting until you have enough saved up to join an expensive business mastermind.

Enroll in the Soulful Seductress Business Accelerator and gain the knowledge and skills you need to embody the whole woman you are created to be in your business.

Limited time offer. Enroll now to save $$$.

Client results

“Everything changed when I joined SSBA, within the first 7 days, I had my beta-program outlined and on the morning of day 8, I was able to take a client who was used to paying $231 for my services, to join my new 8 week Beta course for $3,000. We both were ecstatic.

I feel so equipped, Morgan left no holes in this course. I know that I have everything for future success. I’m so equipped and it’s because of what Morgan was able to put together in this amazing program.”

Jennifer, Studio Owner

Dear soulful women,

please start focusing on making more money


You who are soulful, spiritually bent and conscious of making the world a better place...

You who have invested 1000s of hours and dollars into your inner-healing...

You who LOVE what you do so much you'd do it for free...

I want you to start focusing on MONEY.


Because your soul's ability to find contentment in small things has been hijacked by your sneaky-ego to stay small.


Because you have become enmeshed with a spiritual identity and that need to be perceived as "authentic, deep, soulful" is holding you back from making your greatest impact.


Because like it or not we live in a world who values money beyond all other values. And we need you to have more chips to lay on that table if we are going to change it!


Now is 
your time

You don't need to pay $10,000+ for a business mastermind.

Or log more hours in a gratitude practice.

You need to learn the practical and energetic skills required to take wealth-building action in your biz and take supremely good care of your soul along the way.

No one is more worthy or capable of earning 6-figures in their coaching business than you.

“Morgan was the embodiment of a lifestyle and a business model that I desired for myself. There is such incredible power in proximity to those who make your dreams “REAL” for you. Having her share candidly on how she got from where she was to where she is in such an honest, practical way prompted me to make immediate shifts in my own business that helped me 10x my income (literally...I'm making 10 TIMES the amount I was making before!).

Christin H. Somatic Sex Coach

the next frontier

There is a strong connection between your feminine wholeness journey and becoming a wealthy women.

You've reclaimed your spirituality. You are reclaiming your sexuality. Now it's time reclaim your ambition and confidently head towards steady, meaningful wealth.

(Sabbatical-in-Europe-making-memories-with-your-family-and-best -friends, wealth!)

No matter how long you feel like you've been flailing or hesitating in your business, by beginning Soulful Seductress Business Accelerator now, you're getting there!




MODULE 01:  retire the good girl

With a step-by-step ritual to formally retire the part of you trying to run the show, only leading you to keep hiding, over-give, under-earn and burn out.


MODULE 02: Map Out a soulful & strategic foundation

Use my proprietary business to build a meaningful business, a succesfull business and a life beyond your business.



I'll give you my personal program for Supreme CEO Self-Care, embodiment practices to Amplify Your Energetic Signature, Activate Healthy Bad Girl Energy, Alchemize Stuck, Stagnant & Toxic Energy, Mirror Work. Self-Hypnosis Script  & Evening Rituals to Activate the Soulful Money-Making Seductress in you.


MODULE 04: Elevate  Your Signature Offer

Using my template for crafting your very own transformational high-ticket // high-value offers, flow chart to fill your programs, social media marketing templates, outline for events, done-for-you application templates, contracts, and discovery call scripts.

“I had an immediate shift into a mindset of abundance, literally on the first day and on our first call, I could feel the shift and I was on cloud nine! Bigger dreams started to feel possible. I took a big first step and doubled my rates! Morgan really showed us how to show up for ourselves.

Erin, Photographer


MODULE 05:  Craft your magnetic messaging &  market like a bombshell

I'll give you my personal cheatsheet for bombshell posts, plus a worksheet of prompts. You'll also get my flow-chart to fill your program using my outline and scripts for live events. Bonus: Plug and play my application template.


MODULE 06: Make lots of sales without feeling icky

Learn my secrets for attracting and enrolling kindred clients without paid advertising. I'll give also you my scripts for discovery calls and handling objections, but after awhile you won't need them because you'll be so in your zone of genius!



Systems checklist, client contract template, framework for collecting “Makes Me Want to Cry in the Best Way” testimonials. 


When you join

When you join, you’ll get instant access to an incredible vault of resources, which includes in-depth lessons, bite-size trainings, workbooks, guided feminine embodiment practices and meditations. You don't need to pay $10,000 dollars for an expensive business mastermind. 

You can go at the pace of your soul and still have it all —a successful business, a meaningful business, and a life beyond your business.

DISCOVER YOUR confidence

Join the budget-friendly easeful & self-paced business accelerator for soulful women



Stop watching everyone else pass you by, or feeling pressured to join an expensive mastermind. You are made for success. You already have what it takes within you.

Permission to make a lot more money doing what you love- without going broke in the process.

Inside SSBA give you my signature process created to help you confidently pivot to High Ticket, build a SUCCESSFUL business, a MEANINGFUL business and a LIFE BEYOND your business.

In other words, have a soul-aligned career that lights you up, enough money to no longer worry about it, and time to work, play AND rest to fully replenished.

Ready to turn your soul’s mission into a dream career?

Over 8-hours of play on demand training 

The gift of technology allows you to go at your own pace through the curriculum.

my personal vault of important business assets & CEO Self-Care practices & embodiment magic.

No need to reinvent the wheel

No need to pay $10,000 5 different times to learn all this information (like I did).

What makes this differnt…

Not only do you get training on high-ticket offers & marketing.. you also get


supreme ceo self-care

Finally see yourself and treat yourself like a CEO (because you are). And do so the feminine way, so you don't burn out!


amplifying your energetic signature

My signature process for intentionally amplify your unique energetic signature by aligning your values, desires and what you are devoted to (your mission in this life!)


abundance breath work

Signature daily breath work practice  to calm your nervous system, emanate your light & activate the abundance circuit within you.



EFT money tapping script for higher earning

Negative emotions around money disconnect you from your unique brilliance, creativity, playfulness and joy. Use this signature tapping script to turn off the fight or flight response and neutralizes negative emotions so your true brilliance can run the show.


self-hypnosis script to rewiare your brain for wealth

Your unconscious mind is an incredible resource  when you know how to use it! Self-hypnosis is a method to improve communication between your unconscious and conscious mind.  Use my signature self-hypnosis script to give you greater capacity to  create wealth and design your life (and biz)  accordingly.

These are just a few of the signature “Embody Your Expansion” tools you'll get inside the  Soulful Seductress Business Accelerator.

The guidance and ritual on retiring the Good Girl and formally hiring my Soulful Seductress as CEO was worth the value of the entire program. SO POWERFUL.

Sarah, Artist & Business Mentor


How do I know if Good Girl conditioning is affecting my business?

You feel more like a little girl than a full-grown woman running your business. You feel pressure to please everyone. You are geared more toward productivity than pleasure even though you are burning out. The #1 indicator of Good Girl Conditioning affecting your business is you aren't making the money you really want to make and deep down know you can.

How long does it take to complete program? & How long do I have access?

As soon as you enroll, you will have full access to all 6-modules. Do it in an uber-intensive 6-days, or give yourself an easy going 6-months. The material was designed to complete in 6-weeks for those wanting to bring their coaching business income to consistent $10k within three months. No rush out or keep up with anyone but your soul, you'll have access for as long as you need.

Is there a community or live calls?

No feeling guilty not participating as much as. you think you should. No needing to fit live calls in to your already busy schedule. This is entirely a self-paced, self-study program, to luxuriate in at the pace of your soul.

What does it mean to be a "Soulful Seductress" in my business?

The Soulful Seductress is the part of you that is capable of leading you and your business from wholeness, sovereignty, playfulness, emotional sobriety, vision and depth. She is the you who is liberated from fear, guilt, shame, imposter-syndrome, perfectionism, and people-pleasing. And LOVES giving and receiving value in kind. Money and her have a great and healthy love affair.

WILL I HAVE THE OPTION TO ADD 1:1 support with Morgan.

Yes, absolutely! And you get to do so at Morgan's discounted rate. Whenever you want/need 1:1 attention, you got it. You don't need to buy a big package. Get personalized attention and support how and when it best serves you.

What makes this program different than other business accererators?

For one, it's not $10,000, lol! Business programs are kinda like wedding cakes… over-priced because of the industry, not because of the quality. You shouldn't have to pay 5 figures to learn this stuff. That's gate keeping and I'm tired of it.

More importantly, though, what makes SSBA different is it includes an entire, very robust, module on EMBODYING YOUR EXPANSION, which one student students said was worth $10,000 alone. 

SSBA not only contains the high-level strategy and practical step-by-steps your left brain needs, but also the deep embodiment and energetic work your right brain needs so you can integrate and not just scale a business to $10,000/month, but become the woman capable of enjoying her success. This program's hallmark is giving you the integrative holistic training needed to care for you as a whole woman and lay the foundations for sustainable success.

Confidence to make more money





 Stop watching everyone else pass you by. You are made for success, too! .

The Soulful Business Accelerator will give you

new inner strength and a major boost in energy that comes with no longer struggling financially.

The motivation and mindset to overcome under-earning.

An illuminated vision for your business & the plan, skills & know-how to carry it out.

A visceral set of skills allowing you to be more present, turned on and embodied in business & Marketing.

clarity and Confidence in marketing & selling ETHICALLY.

Before Enrolling in SSBA, These woman were just like you…

"Once I found SSBA, I had an immediate shift into a mindset of abundance, literally on the first day and on our first call, I could feel the shift and I was on cloud nine! Bigger dreams started to feel possible, having the format and plan to structure my business, gave me a template for success. I took a big first step and doubled my rates! Most of my clients that were totally okay with the new prices, actually cheering me on.The SSBA program has empowered me to set boundaries and made me realize how I've run my business trying to please so many people while neglecting myself. No more!


—Erin, Photographer

​"I've always felt like there is more to my story and who I am but I was unsure of where to find the answers. Scheduling my astrology reading required me to step outside of my comfort zone. Embry revealed a world of personal understanding and I'm eternally thankful."

— Alisha Holistic Health Coach 

“I am living the dream...To feel so valued by my clients. Offering a High Ticket program is the most spiritual thing I've ever done. Everything changed when I joined SSBA, within the first 7-days I had my beta-program mapped out and on the morning of day 8, I was able to take a client from a $231 commitment to my new $3000 coaching container. We both were ecstatic. I feel so equipped. Morgan left no holes in this course.”

—Jennifer Studio Owner

"Before working with Morgan I had no clue what I was doing. It felt like my soul was disconnected from my business. I was doing $200 coaching programs and running a $28/month community program and making nothing. Within a month of SSBA I tripled my coaching prices, and started bringing in new clients. My own beta program which is projected to bring in 10,000 this month.I went from seeing myself as a struggling business owner to a woman who is the CEO of her life, and is creating a business that will sustain me.”

—Lurie, Spiritual Director

Meet Your GUide

Morgan Day Cecil

One of my  favorite way of describing what I do goes like this:

I help recovering “good girls” get deliciously rich and reclaim their wholeness.

I am the creator of the Feminine Wholeness™  Method, a daily embodiment practice and holistic framework that gives women the tools to come home to themselves and reclaim their playful, sensual power and unapologetic self-expression.

I have a Master's Degree in Philosophy and has spent 20-years training in mind-body-spirit methodologies for healing and transformation, including yoga, breath work, trauma-release, hypnotherapy, deep feminine psychology, energy healing, contemplative christianity and tantra.

My personal life has taken me from chronic depression and the reality of a single mom on food stamps, to 6-figure CEO and mother of two living a true romance and meaningful adventure with her husband. I’ve been in the online space for 14 years, taking the long and slow road to success. I leads with vulnerability, model what wholeness looks like (unapologetic womanhood and shame-free imperfection), and give women the permission and the tools to come home to herself. 

Clients say the permission and intimate support they receive in my programs is like having the big sister they always wanted. This brings me a lot of joy.

hear me clearly

No one is more deserving of your dreams than you.

No one belongs here more than you.

No one is more capable of making consistent $10k+ months in their coaching business than you.

The stars, planets, and moon are aligning–for you. 
Go from under-earning “Good Girl” with a hobby business to highly-valued Whole Woman with a business that funds her dreams.

Dear Soulful Woman, stop waiting…